Real Estate Law

•  Residential Real Estate
•  Wrongful Foreclosure
•  Restraining Orders stopping foreclosure
•  Reversing Foreclosure
•  Foreclosure Prevention
•  Commercial Real Estate
•  Loan Modification Workouts
•  Resolution of Back Payments

The Law Offices of Charles O. Agege has also handled a number of landlord/tenant issues, representing apartment complexes from the landlord side of things, as well as tenants who have issues with their land owner in a rental. Residential tenancies are areas ripe with “landmines” for a landlord to step on if they do not properly handle a tenant’s security deposit, address damages that occur in a timely fashion, etc.

The purchase or sale of a home is something that often deals with the largest single investment in one’s life. Please have legal counsel review offers or buy-sell agreements before you sign. Too often the “horse is out of the barn door” by the time we have a chance to assist. We also are a full service firm with regard to any type of real estate transactions involving deeds or land contracts. Sometimes access issues or boundary disputes also occur with regard to the occasional neighborhood or what once was a neighborly dispute that degenerated into litigation. We can help.

Many real estate issues are related to estate planning, in that to prevent uncapping and the increased long term ownership cost of property, the adjustment of title through joint tenancies is now something that should be considered. This is a result of appeals that we took up to the Court of Appeal and eventually the Supreme Court. Call us with all of your real estate questions.